Welcome to: Day One

Welcome to Jenn's Weightloss Journey! I'm excited to document my story so I can look back and literally see how far I've come and to hopefully inspire others to create a healthier and happier life.

Today is day 1 of the rest of my life. Today, no challenge is too tough, no obstacle too big; I can do anything I choose, I just have to commit to it.

This right here, okay well a few lines down, is what makes this all too real. This is what makes today, day 1. Numbers... Numbers that follow us our entire life, we are never fully able to run away from numbers. The good, the bad and the ugly; here are mine:

Starting weight: 237.0 lbs
Neck: 16 inches
Bust: 50 inches
Wrists: 6 3/4 inches
Elbow: 11 inches
Waist: 46 inches
Belly Button: 51 inches
Thigh: 27 inches
Calf: 17 inches
LT Ring Finger: 2 1/2 inches

Wow. You have to be looking at those numbers and thinking one of many things, go ahead and admit it. On this end of it, I am most shocked that my waist is 51 inches around. Disgusted is probably a better way to describe how I felt, yes disgusted.

So, there they are, my numbers in all their embarrassing glory! From here on out they are only going to go down!

Until next time,
